TLMBHT Workflow
TLMBHT Workflow
Jan 30, 2017 by Hugo Milan
It is simple to use tlmbht! We need 5 steps:
1) Create the geometry of the problem.
You can do this using CAD software, such as FreeCAD and Gmsh software.
2) Create the mesh of the problem.
You can do this using the Gmsh software. Mesh from other software are not currently supported (but you can ask to include it by opening an issue).
3) Create the description of the problem.
That is, create the case.tlm file. Click here if you want to know how to configure a case file.
4) Solve the problem.
Simply type tlmbht
in the folder that has the case.tlm file.
5) Visualize the output.
You will need other software to visualize the output. Currently supported is the Octave/Matlab data output (but you can ask to include support to your favorite software by opening an issue).
The Tutorials, examples, and validationss pages go through these 5 steps. I recommend you to go through them to learn to tlmbht.